- Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Simple B2B Social Media Steps Anyone Can Do

With more and more business trying to use social media to engage their customers, some of their profiles look they are posting under duress and like they have no plan. Don't don't worry you can have a better online social media campaign if you try these few steps steps.  Turn your profiles around an start new campaigns with confidence and ease.

First thing to think about - What do you post?  Well it is a good idea to start with a strategy, a plan for the next year.  This will help you feel more organized and confident about your campaign.

As for individual posts, see what is trending and popular right now in the world and make it relevant for you and your audience.  Your content should contain a mix of content and photos, such as industry-specific posts, company news, media hits and community events.Talk about clients, milestones, what is happening in your industry.  People want to read relevant points about your company and industry.  It therefore gives them interesting things to share as well.

Keep it current and keep it positive. Social media can be monitored  24/7 therefore it is easy to replied to within 24-48 hours.  Respond quick, and with positive ideas will help alleviate any frustrations and grow your brand following.

Most importantly have fun. Social media is a platform that offers a chance to connect directly with people. Consumers want light-hearted  fun, content. Be funny, witty and engaging.

This is where you can lightly laugh at your self and the world with a clean positive comments. 

Social media marketing is a powerful tool, engage with your audience, provide them with special offers, and fun stories and tips.

I hope these marketing tips make your campaigns more effective.
If you have any questions, Penguin Suits. We are Your Marketing Department and we are here to help.
Debi Lamb-Burrows

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