- Tuesday, December 1, 2015

How to Kill Your Social Media Marketing Campaign

Social media marketing can be a good thing or a bad thing.  Done correctly, it can increase your exposure, increase your market share and increase your bottom line.  Done incorrectly it can be detrimental to your business on every level.
One perfectly timed post could go viral and send thousands of new followers to your website and Boom! One terrible horrible post, and instantly turn away even your most loyal followers.

So what do you do?  How do you know what to not to do?  Here are a couple of Big no no’s that will kill a social media campaign faster than bad food can kill a party.
I hope this goes without saying, but posting offensive material.  No one wants to read nasty off color, sexist, racial or offensive material.  This is preventable when you pick the right person to administer the social media marketing campaign and provide good guidelines.
Misinterpreting a Trend a truth or just lying.  Know what you are talking about research the trends, and don’t use them to represent something they should not. Simply clicking on the hashtag and reading what it was being used for could have prevented all of it.

Don’t buy shortcuts.  Your momma always told you there is no free lunch, there is no way around working for it.  This is a general rule any purported shortcut will likely cost you more time than it will save. Buying followers will not add value to your brand and can attract negativity.  Sometimes the loudest voices are the ones with nothing good to say.  Do you want them on your Facebook page? 

Ignoring negative Feedback can make your followers louder and can earn them sympathy in the social media forum.  Whatever you do, Remain calm, state the truth offer to help fix the problem Social media followers are generally vocal about what they like and don’t like. IF you have picked a calm intelligent social media marketer and given them the tools to work with they will be able to engage and defuse.  Don’t leave a negative comment sitting. Be sure to address all of them.

The only thing worse than continuing to post without incorporating feedback is not posting at all. To gradually build a loyal audience, you need to post on a consistent basis—Facebook and LinkedIn should see you popping in at least once a day, while faster-paced platforms like Twitter should see multiple posts a day.
To stay away from these mistakes you need to:
  • Institute a social media marketing strategy
  • Develop a plan for posts and messages
  • Pick the right team and schedule the time to execute the plan
  • And remember your audience.  Talk with them, not at them. 

Engage your audience, listen to what they like and respond to and repeat similar messages. Post things they want to see and read and will engage.
Doing these few things can be the difference in a successful social media marketing campaign and a campaign that kills your business.

I hope these marketing tips make your campaigns more effective.
If you have any questions, Penguin Suits. We are Your Marketing Department and we are here to help.
Debi Lamb-Burrows

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