- Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Why Do Social Media?

Business to Business Social Media can feel tricky. But it just feels that way because it is new. It is actually a very natural and conversational way of doing business.

All you have to do is follow a couple of little steps and you will be fine.

  1. Remember your company marketing plan. The same core values that apply to any advertising or marketing that you do applies here.
  2. Make a plan - Having a strategy will allow you to set a course for future posts, events and topics that you can talk about easily and quickly.  
  3. Remember to be positive - Never put anything on the world wide web you would not want your grandmother to read.  
  4. Be visual - Social media is very visual. Always put a relevant picture with your words.
  5. Be social - No selling - seriously this is not the place for the hard sell. Tell stories, share milestones, or talk about current events (but remember #3). You can even thank people - people always like to see themselves written up.

So again you ask "if I am not selling, why am I doing it?" There are lots of reasons - from building Brand recognition to establishing yourself as the expert in your field.  If you consistently pop up in peoples' search results and in their news feed, they will remember your name in a positive light and will call you when they need your service. They will think of you a friend needs a referral for a service you provide. Lastly it will eliminate the dreaded cold call - your social media presence serves as an introduction so by the time you make the call they know who you are, they have seen your company name and you are no longer a stranger.

So have fun, and try social media.  I know that you will be glad that you did.

I hope these marketing tips make your campaigns more effective.
If you have any questions, Penguin Suits. We are Your Marketing Department and we are here to help.
Debi Lamb-Burrows

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